Unknown connection error on trying to connect to Openfire running on Localhost

I am a newuser to Openfire and Spark. I have completed setting up Openfire on my mac localhost and created a new user successfully. I installed Spark and when trying to login with new user credentials with Domain:localhost and Server:localhost as displayed in the below screenshots I keep running into “Unknown connection error …” problem. I have enabled the Smack Debug window and following is its info -

Raw packets sent -

<stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ to=‘localhost’ xmlns:stream=‘http://etherx.jabber.org/streams’ version=‘1.0’ from=‘admintest@localhost’ xml:lang=‘en’>

<stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ to=‘localhost’ xmlns:stream=‘http://etherx.jabber.org/streams’ version=‘1.0’ from=‘admintest@localhost’ xml:lang=‘en’>

biwsbj1hZG1pbnRlc3Qscj0/VCklcUdSaj4lRltAai43fSZfPVEnKGF zPD93d0Fcdw==

Yz1iaXdzLHI9P1QpJXFHUmo+JUZbQGouN30mXz 1RJyhhczw/d3dBXHc1NjgzOWViNC1iZGEwLTQ3YWQtYWNhNC0yMzE4NzdkNmZiMzAscD1sVklSSmh3a3 dhYlJ1NFhOYm9IWHAzNkxtZFk9

<stream:stream xmlns=‘jabber:client’ to=‘localhost’ xmlns:stream=‘http://etherx.jabber.org/streams’ version=‘1.0’ from=‘admintest@localhost’ xml:lang=‘en’>

Raw packets Received -

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

stream:featuresPLAINSCRAM-SHA-1EXTERNALCRAM-MD5</mech anism>DIGEST-MD5zlib</stream:features>

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>PLAINSCRAM-SHA-1EXTERNALCRAM-MD5DIGEST-MD5zlib

cj0/VCklcUdSaj4lRltAai43fSZfPVEnKGFzPD 93d0FcdzU2ODM5ZWI0LWJkYTAtNDdhZC1hY2E0LTIzMTg3N2Q2ZmIzMCxzPVVOVDh1L3lZSVNFaE10UU tsSyt4M1Zab0Y3VEVzcDhnLGk9NDA5Ng==

dj1FYTBsY283Y2xnaS9CVjdobVJpNUo5S1c3Nl U9

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>zlib

Screen shots -

Below is my Spark connection screenshot

Screen Shot 2017-04-13 at 12.50.15 PM.png

Below is the advanced section screenshot

Below is Openfire Server config -

Please help me resolve this issue

What is the name of you Mac machine? You can try reinstalling Openfire and using that name for the domain instead of localhost. I haven’t used Mac OS, so i can’t tell for sure, but maybe localhost name is creating problems with connection. Of course, naming it as Mac machine’s name is only for testing on the same machine, not for actual usage in production environment.

Thank you for the quick reply @wroot I cannot find an option to uninstall Openfire in the web portal page. Can you please guide me how to perform uninstall on Mac. Also alternatively I have tried using Adium client to connect with Openfire and it worked like charm. I am having only problems with the Spark client

I don’t know how to uninstall Openfire on Mac as i don’t use that OS. Probably the same as with other apps.

I was able to login to my server using localhost as domain or host, but my server is not named as localhost. Maybe Spark\Smack can’t handle it when server is named as localhost. As it probably can’t decide whether it should search for a domain localhost or just use local machine to login. Anyway, using this is ok for short testing, but you wouldn’t want to use such names in production.