Hi Dele,
Do you plan to update the plugin jitsivideobridge?
On GitHub out many fixes, but downloading libjitsi.jar participants did not see each other.
Libjitsi.jar using version 26 August.
Clarifies, simplifies the source code. Traces RTCP-based feedback. · 1f72626 · jitsi/jitsi-videobridge · GitHub
No immediate plans to update to latest GitHub version of Jitsi videobridge. It uses latest version of bouncycastle which requires an upgrade to openfire. I am not free at the moment to do any extensive work.
I Install the latest update - Build # 1,603
Downloading latest libjitsi.jar (jitsi-videobridge/lib at master · jitsi/jitsi-videobridge · GitHub ), but participants did not see each other.
What else is required?
Latest commit of openfire to github now has bouncycastle 1.51. Checkout source, build, replace openfire.jar and try again
I have the wrong date on the update of libjitsi.jar.
My problem appeared after the release of the update - Clarifies, simplifies the source code. Traces RTCP-based feedback. · 1f72626 · jitsi/jitsi-videobridge · GitHub
What is the reason?