Upgrade Questions


We are currently running Wildfire version 2.5.0 and I will soon be moving Wildfire to a new Server. I want to install the latest version of Wildfire on the new Server and transfer the database and settings over as well.

What steps do I need to take to do this?

Thank you for your time.


just copy the database files in embedded-db if you are using it and conf/wildfire.xml to your new server.

Wildfire will update the database schema if needed during startup.


Can I install over the top, or do I need to un-install the old version and then install the new?


Can I install over the top on the same Server from 2.5.0 or do I need to backup the database and then un-install first?


you don’‘t need to uninstall the old version. Anyhow it’'s a good idea to have a backup just in case that something goes wrong.