Upgrade/Rollback 3.0.1 <-> 3.1,0 database worries


I have wildfire 3.0.1 using Oracle10g as its backend database and I’'m planning to move to 3.1.0. LDAP/AD for user auth.

I was wondering whether there’'d be any problem if I need to rollback to 3.0.1 afterwards. Would the database version be modified with the upgrade and hence become unusable by the former version? Would it affect my users data and rosters?

Any comments appreciated.


Hola Juan Carlos,

If you are not using Wildfire Enterprise then there were no database changes between 3.0.* and 3.1.0. Just make a back up of your current install in case you need to go back to 3.0.1.


– Gato

Hi Gato,

Thanks for your answer. I’‘m not using the Enterprise Edition. I’'ll go on with my upgrade plans, then.

Gracias de nuevo!

Un saludo.
