Upgrade to Openfire from Jive Messenger 2.0.1

I recently obtained a customer that is using Jive Messenger 2.0.1 and wish to upgrade them to Openfire 3.5.1. What are the steps in doing so? Or is the even possible.? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Database and Version:

HSQL Database Engine


JDBC Driver:

HSQL Database Engine Driver

JDBC Driver Version:


Hey Jeremy,

Wow! Was someone still using Jive Messenger?

Probably your fastest path is to install Openfire from scratch and port the data from one database to the other database. BTW, I would recommend moving to an external database. You can take a look at the upgrade db scripts located in the resources/database folder to guide you in the changes made to the core tables.


– Gato

Thank you for your help. I’m not very familiar with Openfire, i have only dealt with it a time or two. I will attempt what you suggested and open a new discussion if I have any issues. Thanks once again for your help.