Urgent: Problem in openfire clustering


I have an Openfire server v3.7.1 on 2 Windows desktop.

Below is my configuration:

Node A = gkini

Node B = snagolu7

MYSQL is installed in gkini(Node A)

snagolu7(Node B) is referring to the gkini db.

“gkini” is the xmpp domain name in both the nodes.

I have deployed "clustering.war” attached http://code.google.com/p/open-clustering/issues/detail?id=4, under openfire/plugins of both the nodes.

Enabled clustering in admin panel.

I have added the required system properties for both the nodes.

gkini(Node A)

  • xmpp.server.clustering.is.bootstrapping.node  true

  • xmpp.server.clustering.loopback  true

  • xmpp.server.clustering.multicastaddress 

  • xmpp.server.clustering.multicastport  2299

  • xmpp.server.clustering.virtual.multicast.uri.list  tcp://gkini:5200

snagolu7(Node B)

  • xmpp.server.clustering.is.bootstrapping.node  false

  • xmpp.server.clustering.loopback  true

  • xmpp.server.clustering.multicastaddress 

  • xmpp.server.clustering.multicastport  2299

As Database is same for both the nodes “xmpp.server.clustering.is.bootstrapping.node” property is getting overwrite from value “true” to “false” of snagolu7(Node B).

Openfire server is getting started properly in gkini(Node A) but not in snagolu7(Node B), below is the given log of Node B

INFO: GMS1057: Announcing Master Node designation for member: snagolu7 of group: openfire. Local view contains 1 entries Apr 18, 2012 10:51:50 AM com.sun.enterprise.mgmt.transport.grizzly.GrizzlyTCPConnectorWrapper$CloseContr olCallbackHandler onConnect

SEVERE: Connection refused: no further information

Please let me know where I am going wrong.

Quick response would be very much appreciated.

