Use of org.igniterealtime in other projects

Quick question…I use the Maven Openfire plugin to build openfire plugins as it’s something we do reasonably often - I find it really useful, and as it requires you to have your project in a certain structure to package it I’ve been created a maven archetype to be able to do this for me. I don’t know how many other people use Maven to build plugins but I’ve stuck it up on github anyways ( It’s a work in progress so it isn’t yet fully functional but it’s not far off.

Question - I picked org.igniterealtime as the groupId as it seems logical but should I be doing this (if it ever sees the light of day in a Maven repos somewhere). Presumably there is or shoudl be some restriction of org.igniterealtime as a groupId, so let me know if you think I should change it or keep it and insert any copyright bumpf.


Michael (680 Bytes) (891 Bytes)

I would think org.igniterealtime.openfire.plugin would be more appropriate, or at least org.igniterealtime.openfire to be inline with **smack **and tinder.

Thanks for the advice, I’ll make that change and push.