User search

I would like to add more search options to the user search plugin. Right now, you can search on Name, Username, and Email address. I want to split out Name to “first name” and “last name”. Has this been done before?

Name is the single field in Openfire, so you don’t need to split it. You can search for any word in a name or use wildcards. If one’s name is John Brown, you can do searches as “John” or “Brown”, or just “Jo” or “Bro”. It will find John Brown in any case, but keep in mind that search is case sensitive.

We would like to be able to search on either first name or last name without the use of wildcards. For example, if one’s name is John Brown, we cannot search on “Brown” without the use of a wildcard, such as * Brown. When we search on “Brown”, we get no results.

Actually i am able to do search without wildcards. In the latest Spark version (2.6.0 RC1) i can search for any word in the name or just parts of the words (case sensitive though, as i said). So, i’m able to find Brown or just Bro and similar. Maybe you are pulling users from LDAP and name information is stored in there? Or maybe last name contains some special native characters, though doubtfully?