Using a Jive Messenger database other than the default Hypersonic


I have been very pleased with Jive Messenger so far. I even got LDAP authentication working. However, I cannot figure out how to configure the database settings. The database documentation indicates that a setup wizard should walk me though changing those settings. I never see that wizard and the Admin console doesn’'t allow me to change them. I have successfully created my database and imported the schema.

Thank You for You Help,

Mike Long

Hi Mike,

Are you looking to switch from LDAP to a database?



Or, perhaps you’‘re trying to switch from the embedded database to an external database? If that’'s the case, the easiest option is to re-run the setup tool. You can do that by:

  1. Shut down your copy of Jive Messenger.

  2. Edit conf/jive-messenger.xml and change true to false

  3. Start the server and open the admin console. You should be directed to the setup tool. This time, choose the external database option instead of the embedded database.



Thank you so much. I got it now.