VCARD field names

Where can I find field names for vcard? I want to integrate vcard with AD; I know the names of LDAP (AD) fields, but I don´t know the names of all the spark vcard fields…

Thanks in advance,


This would go in between your <ldap> </ldap> tags:

<vcard-mapping> <![CDATA[<vCard xmlns=’‘vcard-temp’’>

<FN attrs=“displayName”></FN>
<N><FAMILY attrs=“sn”></FAMILY><GIVEN attrs=“givenName”></GIVEN><MIDDLE/></N>
<NICKNAME attrs=“displayName”></NICKNAME>

<TEL><VOICE/><HOME/><NUMBER attrs=“homePhone”></NUMBER></TEL>
<ADR><WORK/><STREET attrs=“streetAddress”></STREET></ADR>

<ADR><WORK/><POBOX attrs=“postOfficeBox”></POBOX></ADR>

<ADR><WORK/><REGION attrs=“st”></REGION></ADR>
<ADR><WORK/><PCODE attrs=“postalCode”></PCODE></ADR>

<ADR><WORK/><CTRY attrs=“co”></CTRY></ADR>
<TEL><VOICE/><WORK/><NUMBER attrs=“telephoneNumber”></NUMBER></TEL>

<TEL><FAX/><WORK/><NUMBER attrs=“facsimileTelephoneNumber”></NUMBER></TEL>
<TEL><CELL/><WORK/><NUMBER attrs=“mobile”></NUMBER></TEL>

<TITLE attrs=“title”></TITLE>

<ROLE attrs=“Rank”></ROLE>
<ORGNAME attrs=“company”></ORGNAME>

<ORGUNIT attrs=“department”></ORGUNIT>
<URL attrs=“wWWHomePage”></URL>

<DESC attrs=“description”></DESC>

</vCard>]]> </vcard-mapping>

There is an issue with the email address mapping properly. I believe the next version of spark will be correct, version 2.0.2.

Refer to for more information concerning the email address mapping

OK, thank you very much. Some of the fields I needed are in the posted example .

Best regards,
