Voice and Video Chat plugin


I try to make a Voice and video chat Plugin for Spark, I use the source off Spark, and the Viedo Voice source of Sink (open source).

but i still ve some problem to run it.

Its my first time with spark, and I dont found Howto for make it avaliable for Spark.


Voice/Vidoe Device Controller How can I make it avaliable in the Preference Windows.

I write 2 Java Classes.

the first implements of Preference

the secound as GUI for it, I use sparkManager.getPrefrenceManager.addPreference(my_preference)

I campail the code but it stil unavaliable in the Reference Windows ?

I use NetBeansIDE 5.0 for my work Windows XP as OS.

I need help or Howto ?



I assume that you are writing a SparkPlug and there’'s another forum for it. It may help a lot to write a mail to matt@jivesoftware.com and ask him about the open but not published source for the other SparkPlugs (none of them works with Spark 2.x so far but I assume that the core code will help you a lot) to get some examples on how to add icons, event listeners, … to a plugin.


The sparkplugs are already available.



Thanks Alex.