Warning im getting about sessions

2006.02.14 13:24:17 Closing session due to incorrect hostname in stream header. Connection: org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketConnection@1327927 socket: Socket[addr=/,port=38402,localport=5269] session: null

I also get some Errors under the ERROR tab I’'m waiting for more to pop up so i can paste them.

Background on the setup

This is running a Debian 3.1 server with latest release of java. the hostname of the box is ns1-int its reverse dns is ns1-int.companyname.lan we connect to jabber server via cname of jabber.companyname.lan . Any help[ would be appreicated

What I see happening is randomly users will logoff and logon . We have 99% of our users on spark rest are on gaim

Message was edited by: xrootx


the /server-properties.jsp admin page should show you the xmpp.domain, it should be jabber.companyname.lan. What you see here is a failing server-to-server connection (port 5269). It may because your clients use another DNS name or the IP of this server as their JID, and user ‘‘foo@ns1-int’’ is not ‘‘foo@jabber.companyname.lan’’ so Wildfire wants to query the server ‘‘ns1-int’’ for ‘‘foo@ns1-int’’. This should cause the users problems logging in and unfortunately does not explain why they get reconnected.

If you don’'t connect to other servers then you could disable the s2s option (/server2server-settings.jsp).

Are you using Wildfire 2.4.4 or may you hit the 30 minutes timeout bug of a previous release?


I am on 2.4.3 i appreciate the quick response. it makes sense . Since this is a active box i have to wait till the weekend to upgrade to the new version to fix the timeout bug. Thanks so much for the help.