Webinterface showing questions marks?

Good day everyone,

I’ve upgraded the server Ubuntu LTS 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. Afterwards I’ve upgraded our openfire version from 4.2.3 to version 4.3.0(sudo dpkg -i openfire_4.3.0_all.deb). Due to the system upgrade I’ve also configured openfire to use openjdk V8, having connection issues - this is a known error as far as I’m aware.

The webinterface from openfire is showing several question marks in several menus, while other menus are not showing them.

First login page(server settings): ???index.host_name??? ???index.process_owner???
TLS/SSL certificates: ???ssl.certificates.store-management.info-1???

It seems to be a optical issue, since I’m able to connect to openfire via Spark.
Before the upgrade this issue didn’t exist.
But it’s bothering me, any idea on how to resolve that issue?

Additional Infomartion:
JVM:1.8.0_191 Oracle Corporation – OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Applikationsserver: jetty/9.4.12.v20180830

best regards

the same as me too!

server ubuntu 16.04
Version und Anbieter der JVM: |1.8.0_191 Oracle Corporation – OpenJDK Server VM
Applikationsserver: jetty/9.4.12.v20180830
???index.host_name??? xmpp.xxxx.xxxx
Betriebssystem / Hardware: Linux / i386
Sprachumgebung / Zeitzone: de / Mitteleuropäische Zeit (1 GMT)
???index.process_owner??? openfire

I have filed this as https://issues.igniterealtime.org/browse/OF-1680
This happens when language different than English is used and some menus don’t have translations for that language.

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