Welcome to the Openfire Category

This category supports the usage and development of Openfire. If you are reporting a problem, please report as much detail as you can about your installation, back-end database, versions, and when the issue started.

When posting, please include the following

  • Openfire version installed, which platform and which Java JRE version
  • How was openfire installed (RPM, deb, tar.gz, exe, etc)
  • When did your problem first start happening? Has it been around since you installed or happened after you changed some setting?
  • Are you using any custom plugins or authentication methods?
  • Has this issue ever worked in the past? If so, on which version did it work?
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HELLO, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE NEW OPENFIRE VERSION: when installing openfire_3_8_1 I ask permission to the network as a windows firewall and also an icon like shutting down, start for me is great, but the new openfire_4_4_3_bundledJRE_x64 when installing does not ask me permission or The icon is created, for me it is not good because it cannot be connected to other client devices, today I am still with the previous version.

is this jabber