What is JabberHTTPBind?

I have a few questions regarding JabberHTTPBind…

first of all

what is JabberHTTPBind ???

how does it help me if i m creating a java servlet which uses smack client library ??

jezz wrote:

I have a few questions regarding JabberHTTPBind…

what is JabberHTTPBind ???


But the latest versions of Openfire already support HTTP binding, so you don’t need an external component.

how does it help me if i m creating a java servlet which uses smack client library ??

I’m afraid only you can know this.

I want to develop a web-based jabber client which connects to Openfire

what should i use ?? the smack client library or the JSJaC ??? and why ??

Web-based (communication over HTTP) pretty much only means JwChat/JSJAC - smack is for java applications (which you could distribute per Java Web Start, but it would not be web-based).

JSJaC looks daunting, but it’s not that hard to adapt JwChat, just takes a little time.