What is starter.exe meant to do?

Using Spark 2.5.8 on both XP Pro SP 3 and Vista Business SP 1 using different accounts (and trying same accounts from XP) whenever I logout starter.exe starts running. The problem is that it does nothing but consume resources so after a few logouts there are multiple instances running using 9mb of memory and 20mb of virtual memory. The initial shortcut used runs spark.exe as created by the installer.

The accounts I have tried do NOT have their password saved and auto login is off. The accounts being used to run spark are administrators on both machines.

Another user account and openfire user on the Vista machine with the password saved and auto login on also has the starter.exe run when they log out. This user account is not an adminstrator.

Either starter.exe should not run or if it is meant to do something, only one instance should be allowed to run if only one instance of spark can run.


Starter.exe is used to start Spark.exe when you do Log out. Because Spark is programmed in a scuh way, that it quits completely when you do log out. Then starter.exe should close. And it does this for me with 2.6.0 Beta 2. Maybe you should try Beta or the latest version from here http://www.igniterealtime.org/community/docs/DOC-1822

Looking in the app directory, the ini file contains:

[Java Runtime Environment]
Maximum Version=1.6
JRE Path=C:\Program Files\Spark\jre
JVM Type=favor_client
Preferred versions=1.6;
Minimum Version=1.5
Main Class=org.jivesoftware.Restarter
[Product Information]
Product Code={27DB209C-57D1-42BE-B547-8867B26FA480}
Product Name=Spark
Application Type=cmdline
Override WorkingDir=yes
Output File=C:\Program Files\Spark\output.log
Error File=C:\Program Files\Spark\error.log
[Class Path]
Class Path=C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\activation.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\asterisk-im-client.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\base.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\dom4j.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\i4jruntime.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\smack.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\smackx-debug.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\smackx.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\spark.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\startup.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\swingx.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\synthetica.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\syntheticaBlueMoon.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\systeminfo.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\xpp.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\xstream.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\windows\jdic.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\windows\jmf.jar;

and the error.log contains

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jivesoftware/Restarter

Just the one line.

Could I get away with just making the starter.exe ‘disappear’?


Further to the starter.ini file, I noticed that the spark.ini file has different JRE settings. Could they cause it to not run?


[Java Runtime Environment]
Maximum Version=any
JRE Path=C:\Program Files\Spark\jre
JVM Type=favor_client
Virtual Machine Parameters=-Dappdir="C:\Program Files\Spark"
Preferred versions=1.6;1.5;
Minimum Version=1.6
Main Class=org.jivesoftware.launcher.Startup
[Product Information]
Product Code={27DB209C-57D1-42BE-B547-8867B26FA480}
Product Name=Spark
Application Type=gui
Failure Check=yes
Single Instance=no
Override WorkingDir=yes
Output File=C:\Program Files\Spark\logs\output.log
Error File=C:\Program Files\Spark\logs\error.log
[Class Path]
Class Path=C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\activation.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\asterisk-im-client.jar.pack;C:\Program

Files\Spark\lib\base.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\dom4j.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\i4jruntime.jar;C:\Program

Files\Spark\lib\smack.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\smackx-debug.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\smackx.jar.pack;C:\Program

Files\Spark\lib\spark.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\startup.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\swingx.jar.pack;C:\Program

Files\Spark\lib\synthetica.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\syntheticaBlueMoon.jar.pack;C:\Program

Files\Spark\lib\systeminfo.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\xpp.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\xstream.jar.pack;C:\Program

Files\Spark\lib\windows\jdic.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\windows\jmf.jar;C:\Program Files\Spark\plugins\jingle.jar;C:\Program

Files\Spark\plugins\fastpath.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\plugins\jniwrapper.jar.pack;C:\Program Files\Spark\plugins\spelling-


Note:I have modified it from the standard install so the line “Single Instance=yes” now reads “Single Instance=no”


Just answered my own question about making starter.exe ‘disappear’. Renamed it starter.exex and now Spark actually quits faster and the starter.exe does not run.

I’ll take this as a working solution till 2.6 is out.
