What is the URL for Fastpath webchat?

I know this is the simplest question in the world - but I have Enterprise installed and a Fastpath workgroup setup, but I have no idea how to go on ‘as a user’ and initiate a chat. I see the javascript snippet you are supposed to post on your website, but I don’t know the URL for the referenced jivelive.jsp page. The quick guide indicates that there should be a Tools > Webchat option on the Fastpath admin tab, but I’m not seeing that either.

Could someone point me in the right direction? Also - is there an easy way for a Spark user to initiate a Fastpath chat as a user? I.e. instead of going to a webpage, use Spark instead?


The default URL for Fastpath webchat’s jivelive.jsp page is http://servername.domain.tld:9090/webchat/jivelive.jsp

Thanks very much - I also discovered (obviously) that I needed to install the webchat plugin… Pretty stupid mistake on my part, although honestly I’m not sure why Fastpath and Enterprise themselves will install without bringing webchat along by default.

Appreciate the help - ATM

Webchat is available separately so that you can deploy it to a separate application server if you want. See the Fastpath Quick Start Guide and the Webchat Plugin Readme for more details.