When does openfire send presence notifications?

Hello im using SparkWeb with Openfire.

Openfire is not sending presence updates of new members to already connected clients of same Shared group.

When i try to get a updated roster from openfire it doesnt send any information about online-offline status.

how can i force openfire to send the presence update to every user of the shared group, any Database sp or command? refreshing group?

I allready tryed to clear cache, no success…

<body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'>
     <iq type="result" id="roster_20" to="arren@xxxx/sparkweb">
     <query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster">
     <item jid="ted@vilt-lt2" name="theodore" subscription="both"><group>Site Clients</group></item>
     <item jid="zola@vilt-lt2" name="Joao marefado" subscription="both"><group>Site Clients</group></item>
