When share desktop no voice?


I installed openfire v2.9.3 and installed jitsivideobridge v1.3,used ofmeet for meeting,audio and video were all good working,but when I shared desktop with orthers,the voice was not working.What can I do?The jitsivideobridge is default settings.

Sorrry, webrtc screenshare, by default does not support voice at the same time. There might be a way to make it happen, but that could be implemented in a later version.

Try jitmeet. It might support audio with screenshare via the chrome extension. I have nott used or ttested that feature yet.


I tested the jitmeet ,but desktop share didn’t work,I didn’t knew the reason.Jitmeet worked with chrome v35 and jitsi desktop streamer chrome extension v0.1 above.

“ext” mode seems have some bugs.

I changed the jitmeet’s mode from “ext” to “webrtc” in config.js file,the share desktop feature worked good.