I am trying tpo find additional information on S2S communication and what that provides once setup. I stumbled upon Server federation in Openfire 3.6.0 but that links to an old how-to that I believe is not correct anymore.
Where can I find the latest information about openfire federation? Thank you.
Exactly what kind of information are you looking for, and for what purpose? Openfire implements the XMPP specifications for server-to-server communication,
I am trying to understand what I gain when I setup server to server federation overall and what I should be seeing on my servers when its setup.
I setup server to server comms but not sure what I should be seeing from a Spark client perspective. If I run “netstat -nap | grep 5269” on both my servers, I see they are both listening on that port. Both servers can perform dns lookups on each other and no firewalls between (same lane with firewalld disabled).
I guess I am confused by what I am gaining when I connect the hosts via server to server comms on port 5269 compared to what I get without.
I also attempted to disable STARTTLS under S2S optiopns on both ends but I kept getting errors in the servers logs of:
TLS requested by initiator when TLS was never offered by server. Closing connection : org.jivesoftware.openfire.net.SocketConnection@2af045a5 socket: Socket[addr=/,port=43302,localport=5269] session: LocalIncomingServerSession{address=server1.my.domain.name/bskgql3ik, streamID=bskgql3ik, status=-1 (closed), isSecure=false, isDetached=false, isUsingServerDialback=true, localDomain=server1.my.domain.name, defaultIdentity=server2.my.domain.name, validatedDomains={}}
Leaving the STARTTLS policy to optional and Disabling mutual authentication/Allow peer-certificat to be self signed still causes the following errors in the logs:
Unable to validate domain: An exception occurred while verifying the dialback key.
java.io.EOFException: input contained no data
I have tried just about all combos of disbling auth for S2S and setting it up as optional (plus allowing all ciphers) to no luck. Still get ssl errors regardless.