Where to get astrisk-im plugin 1.0 beta 3 or 1.0 beta 2?

because beta 4 doesn’'t work on jive 2.2.2 - so we have to get beta 3 somewhere!



I’‘m not seeing a location for download as well. Also, the sentence “version 2.2.0 or later highly recommended” on the download page is a little outdated, since some plugins aren’'t backwards compatable under 2.3.0…

You can download the old code from SVN. Instead of the trunk/ directory, try the tag/ directory. See the url=http://www.jivesoftware.org/source.jspsource page[/url] for more info on downloading from SVN.

beta 4 should work with 2.2.2 just the admin tool left nav will be missing. Currently the only way you can get beta 3 is to build it from the subversion beta 3 tag: http://svn.jivesoftware.org/svn/repos/asterisk-im/tags/release-1.0_beta_3/

The sentence “version 2.2.0 or later highly recommended” is generated from information in the plugin.xml. If I updated the plugin version in the plugin.xml to 2.3.0 then asterisk-im would not work with 2.2.2 at all. The final release version of asterisk-im will only support 2.3.0.