Who knows the lowest version of smack which support openfire 4.6.0?

After upgrade openfire from 4.5.2 to 4.6.0, I got error message from smack 4.0.9

So I need to know does smack 4.0.9 support openfire 4.6.0?

I am not aware of a reason why Smack 4.0.9 should not work with Openfire 4.6.0.

I sure would be helpful if you had added more information to your post, like the concrete error (message) you are seeing.

We found

Bind response = (Bind) createPacketCollectorAndSend(bindResource).nextResultOrThrow();
String userJID = response.getJid();

if (sessionSupported && !getConfiguration().**isLegacySessionDisabled()**) {
      Session session = new Session();
      **createPacketCollectorAndSend(session).nextResultOrThrow();**   // error message from this 

This is error message:

at org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketCollector.nextResultOrThrow(PacketCollector.java:191)
at org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketCollector.nextResultOrThrow(PacketCollector.java:175)
at org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection.bindResourceAndEstablishSession(XMPPConnection.java:535)
at org.jivesoftware.smack.tcp.XMPPTCPConnection.login(XMPPTCPConnection.java:260)

In this case, this would probably be more an Openfire bug than a Smack bug, as it appears Openfire does not respond to legacy session requests.

You may simply disable legacy session via Smack’s connection configuration.

I’m not sure if there’s a problem with Openfire here, although I can’t explain why it would fail for @Peng_Ying either.

When I execute this Smack Integration Test on a recent build of the 4.6 branch of Openfire, I’m seeing that test pass.

public void sessionTest() throws Exception {
        ( (IQ)conOne.createStanzaCollectorAndSend(new Session())
            .nextResultOrThrow(30000) ).getType());

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