Wildfire 2.4.4 Released

Wildfire 2.4.4 has been url=http://www.jivesoftware.org/wildfirereleased[/url]. This version includes many important bug fixes and security fixes Read the url=http://www.jivesoftware.org/builds/wildfire/docs/latest/changelog.htmlchange log[/url] to learn the complete list of changes.

There is also a new version of the content filter plugin. Download Wildfire plugins from url=http://www.jivesoftware.org/wildfire/plugins.jsphere[/url].


Wildfire Team

Hi Wildfire team

I have checked the change log and found that I don’‘t have to worry any bug and that I don’'t need any new features in it. I am happy with 2.4.3

If content filter upgrade can also provide change log, it would be great. And also compatible wildfire version.

Change request:

Admin Console->Group Chat->Room Administration->Room Option->User Permission->Add User (JID)

Instead of the default participent privelege “Owner”, Can you make it “Member”?

Can I also add multiple user at the same time like adding group initial members?



Hmm, perhaps we should have made the wording in the changelog more forceful. There are some important bug fixes in 2.4.4 including a security fix in the admin console.



Change request:

Admin Console->Group Chat->Room Administration->Room

Option->User Permission->Add User (JID)

Instead of the default participent privelege “Owner”,

Can you make it “Member”?

Can I also add multiple user at the same time like

adding group initial members?

JM-324, JM-399 - i think these are duplicated

more interesting ones: JM-438, JM-79


No wonder wroot has so much point collected! He knows a lot other than the developers themselves


Heh I’‘m always annoying them with such things so they’'ve decided to give me golden medal to get rid of me No way