Wildfire Database Schema


The Wildfire database schema does not appear to be installed. Follow the installation guide to fix this error.

Time to start reading


Hey MnMs,

Could you check the stderr log file. You should find there the stack trace of the exception. Please, post it so we can be of more help.


– Gato

Sorry… This should really be under the other thread now…

I’'m not upgrading til this weekend/Monday…and doing all that fun stuff we all talked about ;).

Will let you know Monday…

I had this same problem, I copied the original messenger.script file to another location from your jive messenger folder in program files (assuming you are doing this on Windows. Uninstalled the service, uinstalled the messenger, Then reinstalled wild fire and copied the messenger.script file into the folder embedded-db and deleted the default wildfire.script and renamed messenger.script to wildfire.script. Stopped and started the service and everything came back up for me.

Pain in the butt I know but it was better than having to re-enter all my users again!


Thank God for you, dsirek!!!

I had a small and brief panic attack when I hit that error in the wizard. The forums was my first stop, and found your solution!

I also make a simple backup before every upgrade (a simple copy-paste of the ‘‘Jive Messenger’’ (now Wildfire) folder has saved my butt on a couple occasions). If I could award you ‘‘answer’’ points, I would!

Developers, if possible, you might try to come up with a name conversion tool for Wildfire 2.4.1.


Hey guys,

I know that it can be a little late for this but there is a url=http://www.jivesoftware.org/community/entry.jspa?externalID=481&categoryID=2 2kb document[/url] that explains the steps to follow to upgrade existing installations to Wildfire.


– Gato

I know that it can be a little late for this but there is a kb document that explains the steps to follow to upgrade existing installations to Wildfire.

Better late than never! cliche off

well, if i ever have time for upgrading my old JM installation (2.2.2) i will do in such way:

leave my /opt/jive_messenger, stop it and remove jive-messengerd startup daemon, and then try to make new installation to /opt/wildfire, copying and renaming all stuff and editing startup scripts. If something goes wrong i will always have a working backup.

Welcome rvanderveer!

Glad I could help!
