Wildfire Database Setup

Friend’‘s i readind the documentation about integrating wildfire with mysql , in the docs appear this text “Wildfire Database Setup” , where’'s this tool?, or if someone has been integrated the server with mysql , i need help.


i installed every mysql tables in my mysql server, and create user for wildfire with access from localhost only without password.

It’'s correct that.



Hi Hermidio,

when you install Wildfire you’'ll do the “Wildfire Database Setup” . I assume that you are using a database, maybe the embedded one, and want to migrate to mysql. There is a export/import plugin to do such a migration.

Maybe one has the correct idea how to do this without reinstallation … you could try it like this:

Export Users, Stop & Backup everything, remove


from conf/wildfire.xml

Start again, hopefully you can run the setup again, if not uninstall and reinstall Wildfire.

Run the installation wizard and select mysql as database.

Import Users and check if everything is running fine, if there are problems restore your backup.