Wildfire does not start / Java issue

Hi pm,

i did post my win32 start script here:


You may want to do the replacements as mentioned in the last four lines and then use it.


It should start and end like this:

export app_java_home=/usr

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/startup.jar
cd “$”

“$/bin/java” -Dinstall4j.jvmDir="$" …


i’'ve change the file:

export app_java_home=/usr/java/jre1.5.0_06

export app_home=/opt/wildfire/

export prg_dir=$/bin
export prg=wildfire
export INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS=-Xms64m -Xmx128m -XX:PermSize=10m -XX:MaxPermSize=20m -verbose:gc -XX:*PrintGCDetails -XX:*PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:"$/logs/gc.log"

export CLASSPATH=$/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/activation.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/commons-el.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/hsqldb.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/jasper-compiler.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/jasper-runtime.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/mail.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/messenger.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/mysql.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/postgres.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/servlet.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/startup.jar cd “$”

“$/bin/java” -Dinstall4j.jvmDir="$" -Dinstall4j.appDir="$" -Dexe4j.moduleName="$/$" -DwildfireHome="$" -Dwildfire.lib.dir="$/lib" $ com.install4j.runtime.Launcher start org.jivesoftware.wildfire.starter.ServerStarter false false “$/logs/stderror.log” “$/logs/stdoutt.log” true true false “” true true 0 0 “” 20 20 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 “version 2.3.2” 20 40 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 -1 “start”


but i only get a unfriendly message:

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-Xmx128m’’: not a valid identifier

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-XX:PermSize=10m’’: not a valid identifier

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-XX:MaxPermSize=20m’’: not a valid identifier

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-verbose:gc’’: not a valid identifier

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-XX:+PrintGCDetails’’: not a valid identifier

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps’’: not a valid identifier

/root/bin/jive.sh: line 5: export: `-Xloggc:/opt/wildfire//logs/gc.log’’: not a valid identifier

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Could not create the Java virtual machine.


thx for the shellscript

could it be that your webhoster uses virtuozzo on the server ?

most of the VPS (Virtual Private Server) webhosting plans do not include the “feature” of installing/running other software than mentioned in the plan - even though you’'re root

i have a VPS with suse linux, but can’'t get tomcat running due to the configuration of “my virtual machine” … it always complains about the same things like your wildfire install.


oops, there is a “” pair missing in line 5.


This one should be fine:

export INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m"

  1. or to use all mentioned parameters

export INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m -XX:PermSize=10m -XX:MaxPermSize=20m -verbose:gc -XX:*PrintGCDetails -XX:*PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:$/logs/gc.log"


well, since i don’'t know whatever i had to change, i copied the last (corrected) script and added it to the beginning of the wildfire binary.

and now i can see the following message:

./wildfire: line 278: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"’’

./wildfire: line 284: syntax error: unexpected end of file"[/code]

When i was looking at the mentiond lines, there is that information:

line 278:

echo “Usage: $0 {start|stop}”

line 279

empty line

I am not a programmer, i just copied what i saw and have no idea what i did and i have no idea for what the script is standing for


somewhere in your wildfire script a " is missing. Would you mind to try this script:

export app_java_home=/usr

export app_home=/opt/wildfire

export prg_dir=$/bin
export prg=wildfire
export INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS="-Xms64m -Xmx128m" export CLASSPATH=$/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/activation.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/commons-el.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/hsqldb.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/jasper-compiler.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/jasper-runtime.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/mail.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/messenger.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/mysql.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/postgres.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/servlet.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/startup.jar cd “$”

“$/bin/java” -Dinstall4j.jvmDir="$" -Dinstall4j.appDir="$" -Dexe4j.moduleName="$/$" -DwildfireHome="$" -Dwildfire.lib.dir="$/lib" $ com.install4j.runtime.Launcher start org.jivesoftware.wildfire.starter.ServerStarter false false “$/logs/stderror.log” “$/logs/stdoutt.log” true true false “” true true 0 0 “” 20 20 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 “version 2.3.2” 20 40 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 -1 “start”


Well, this time no error message, but my terminal client “PuTTY” does not react any more… intended? I tried to connect via the website to configure wildfire, but was not able to reach it, so i think something went wrong.

pmiguet: you can’'t connect with putty, while the server is running, because with this parameter it will take all the memory of your vServer so try this:

export app_java_home=/usr/java/jre1.5.0_06

export app_home=/opt/wildfire/

export prg_dir=$/bin
export prg=wildfire
export INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS="-Xmx24m" export CLASSPATH=$/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/activation.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/commons-el.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/hsqldb.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/jasper-compiler.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/jasper-runtime.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/mail.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/messenger.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/mysql.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/postgres.jar

export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/servlet.jar
export CLASSPATH=$:$/lib/startup.jar cd “$”

“$/bin/java” -Dinstall4j.jvmDir="$" -Dinstall4j.appDir="$" -Dexe4j.moduleName="$/$" -DwildfireHome="$" -Dwildfire.lib.dir="$/lib" $ com.install4j.runtime.Launcher start org.jivesoftware.wildfire.starter.ServerStarter false false “$/logs/stderror.log” “$/logs/stdoutt.log” true true false “” true true 0 0 “” 20 20 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 “version 2.4.3” 20 40 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 -1 “start”


i can install every thing on my vServer,but i can’'t change the kernel.

i’'ve 2 questions:

1.: why can i use the webinterface only the first time i start the server or when i re-install the server (but only the first time too)?

2.: when i start the script for the server, the server will be killed when i close my ssh connection. is there another command so i can start the server from my ssh connect, without killing the server when i close the connection?

and what to change in the script to kill the server? ( only the parameter “start” to “stop” )

thx very much for this great help.


add nohup and & to the last line, so it will look like this:

nohup “$/bin/java” -Dinstall4j.jvmDir="$" -Dinstall4j.appDir="$" -Dexe4j.moduleName="$/$" -DwildfireHome="$" -Dwildfire.lib.dir="$/lib" $ com.install4j.runtime.Launcher start org.jivesoftware.wildfire.starter.ServerStarter false false “$/logs/stderror.log” “$/logs/stdoutt.log” true true false “” true true 0 0 “” 20 20 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 “version 2.4.3” 20 40 “Arial” “0,0,0” 8 500 -1 “start” &

Killing … there is a way, you may want to look in the wildfire script for the parameters. I dislike the idea to launch another JVM, a “ps -ef | grep java” and then “kill -15 PID” or “kill -9 PID” should do it where PID is well, the PID (a number) of the java process.


thx he is running in the backround but i haven’'t a webinterface. i can logon with my jabber client but i cant connect to http://… …:9090.

what is my fault?

what client do you use and how do you setup it to login into your server? Are you specifying IP or host? You can give as some example not the real name. And are you trying to go to Admin Console with same address/host? Have you tried IP instead?

i use spark on windows and psi on my linux system. i logon with nick “admin” and the password i entered by the first run of wildfire.

after 1h i killed the server over the webinterface, and now when i start the server there is no more webinterface. but i can connect with any jabber client.

where are you loging into Admin Console from? From the local machine where the server is installed or remotely? If it’'s local have you tried to connect with localhost:9090 or

When i asked about clients setup i ment not the user but server. Do you enter the same host or IP in client as the one you try to connect to for Admin Console? Or what was the URL then you first logged to Admin Console.

i logging on remotly. to install the wildfire server i used the ip of the server.

then i worked through the installation and use the domain wich is registered on the ip of my server.

then i killed the server over the webinterface. start the server over my ssh connection and want to connect to the webinterface.

i tried: hostname.de:9090 and ...:9090 with my webrowser (firefox) but i only get an error that i can’'t connect to the server.

with my client’'s i use the hostname and it work fine. i also tried the port 9091 but i got only the same error.

to start the server i use the script i post some day’'s before.

so, once again, to install Wildfire you have connected via SSH, downloaded instalaltion package, installed and ran it. Then you have connected via ...:9090 ang went through a setup. While setting up your server you have changed it’'s name/domain to some hostname.de? Dont know how this should work with a webhoster. What is the name of we machine of this vServer (hostname)? Are you using embedded-db? If so, could stop wildfire server, then go to /installation path/wildfire/embedded-db/ edit wildfire.script. Find that line:

INSERT INTO JIVEPROPERTY VALUES(’‘xmpp.domain’’,’‘hostname.de’’)

and change it to:

INSERT INTO JIVEPROPERTY VALUES(’‘xmpp.domain’’,’‘...’’)

with IP of your vServer. Save it and start wildfire again, then try loging in with ...:9090

I’'m only guessing though.

yes, i connect via ssh, download rpm of wildfire 2.4.3. installed it, uploaded the .sh script, because the original way to start the server wont work becaus he didn’'t find the jre1.5.0_06.

then i started the server with this .sh script, follow the installation instruction on the webinterface.

entered everything and as host my domainname.

then i loged in and can change the configuration on the webinterface. close my webbrowser.

opened him again and connect to the server with the domain as url no problem.

then i killed the server, start him with the script again but now i couldn’'t connect to the webinterface. i tried the ip and the domain nothing would work.

please excuse me but i wont offer my domain or my ip.

i’‘ve change the entry in my mysql db. both ( ip or domain ) wouldn’'t change anything. i killed wildfire while changing the entry. and nothing changed.

but in the server logfile ( logs/info.log ) there is only on the first start an entry:

2006.01.21 13:11:16 Admin console listening at:


the following entry there is no notice that the Admin console was started. only at the first run.

please excuse me but i wont offer my domain or my

i wasnt asking for it.

well, i cant think of anything else. Maybe you can start from a scratch. Install it again and try to setup. Maybe change the name of wildfire server to IP at first in setup. Maybe this issue is really a network/internet issue and not a wildfire’'s.

It does not start anyway… Now I get again the error message with the “could not reserve enough memory for object heap” (used the xmx64m option) and can not run command “/usr/java/jre1.5.0_06/usr/java” what sounds like he has a wrong folder information…

i didn’'t know that it is that complicated to run a wildfire server

have you try the wildirescript?

and try to use only 24mb memory?

until is use the script it work fine, only the webinterface is only reachabel at first time i run the server.


it is not complicated. Maybe you have a windows installation just in front of you, so you can install Wildfire here and have phun.

Normal internet service providers are not application service providers so they usually don’‘t have the cpu and memory resources to run an application. I don’‘t know who’'s your server provider, so the following could be just right. Maybe you reached some user limits (ulimit) like CPU cycles per user or per session and thus Wildfire stops running.

Switch to a hoster which offers dedicated server or run a server at home, both options should lead to a great satisfaction for you.