Wildfire, Spark and Smack

Yeah… so I’'m using all three, a real jive nut!

I have a wildfire server, a spark client and smack used on a coldfusion website.

I recently downloaded the most recent version of spark (2.0) and it stopped my website from working properly!

Smack successfully connects to wildfire and sets up a conversation with the spark client, and can send message. But the other way around does not work!

I recieve a null message from the spark client when no message was sent, and no actual sent messages from spark are recieved by smack!

I am not sure where this bug lies as it could be in any of the three compnents. but as soon as I downgraded back to spark 1 it all started working again!




you may want to enable the debug windows for Spark (press F12) and for Smack (add XMPPConnection.DEBUG=true;) to see what’'s the difference. This should help you to identify whether this is a Spark bug.


Where is the debug data for smack stored?

I cannot find it anywhere =/

Also, this errors out

Session.XMPPConnection.DEUBG = true;

with the error message “DEBUG”, heh. I will post with the spark results as soon as I do them. I see that spark uses smack too, a greater version than the current stand alone release?


Message was edited by: andrewm1986

Spark 1


<message id=“6dqg0-19308” to=“andrew@gis-mx-test” from=“bradford\murphya@gis-mx-test/Smack” type=“chat”>





<message id=“r08X5-24” to=“bradford\murphya@gis-mx-test/Smack” from=“andrew@gis-mx-test/Spark” type=“chat”>


<x xmlns=“jabber:x:event”>







All works…

Spark 2


<message id=“6dqg0-19319” to=“andrew@gis-mx-test” from=“bradford\murphya@gis-mx-test/Smack” type=“chat”>




normal: (so a blank message is sent)

<message id=“fxKp8-35” to=“bradford\murphya@gis-mx-test/Smack”>

<x xmlns=“jabber:x:event”/>



<message id=“fxKp8-36” to=“bradford\murphya@gis-mx-test/Smack” from=“andrew@gis-mx-test/spark” type=“chat”>



<x xmlns=“jabber:x:event”>







But that last message is never recieved

it should be

XMPPConnection con = new XMPPConnection(SERVER);

That is not possible to do with coldfusion

Bug still exists in 2.0.1

Any ideas?


the messages Spark 1 and Spark 2 did send look to be exactly the same. So I really wonder if this is a Spark problem. Could you try to reproduce this problem using F12 / Ad-hoc messages with Spark 1.1.4 and Spark 2?



I don’'t know much about spark, I just use it. Could you tell me more information on what you want me to do please?


Hi Andrew,

maybe it helps to use the Wildfire audit log to see what’‘s going on, as the “Spark Debug Window” / “Ad-hoc messages” seem to be a little harder to use. http://server:9090/audit-policy.jsp let’'s you enable a log for all packets.


Sorry for late reply.

Here are the log files…

Spark 2

Spark 1


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Update : This still happens with smack 3 nightly. (on a related note, updating coldfusion to use Java 1.5 so I could use Smack 3 was a total b*tch)

Message was edited by: andrewm1986

Just worked out how to send an ad hoc message (mac user, not used to right click button!) And it looks like it’‘s spark’'s fault.

-message through window-

The AdHoc message is recieved but the other one is not. This seems to be because spark is sending it as an offline message, because it is not set to recieve presense information for the user it is sending to, so they appear offline. This looks like it can be fixed in either spark of wildfire. My two suggestions :-

  1. In Spark. If someone not on your roster sends you a message, first reply should be sent as a normal message, if this isn’'t succesful, THEN send it as offline

  2. In WildFire. If it recieved an offline marked message and the user is actully online, convert it to a normal message and send it.

Message was edited by: andrewm1986

Could someone please create a bug report on this in either/both Wildfire/Spark

Still happens with recent spark update and wildfire beta 3 and smack 3 nightly…


Try as I may, I am unable to reproduce this issue.



I am happy to give you the exact ColdFusion code I am using. Please PM me with your email address or some other place to provide the code.

I can assure you this DOES happen in my setup.

My email addy is available in my profile.
