wildfireHome not found on a fresh WAR installation (I read the docs)

I am somewhat new to Linux and need to deploy Wildfire on a Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 with Tomcat 5.5.

I have built the WAR and copied it to the webapp folder, /srv/www/tomcat5/base/webapps/

My wildfire home is /usr/local/wildfire_src/target/war/wildfireHome

I have read and re-read the documentation but all I get when accessing http://localhost/wildfire is the message:

Home not found. Define system property “wildfireHome” or create and add the wildfire_init.xml file to the classpath.

According to the docs, I should create the wildfire_init.xml in /srv/www/tomcat5/base/webapps/wildfire/WEB-INF/classes. However, the classes directory doesn’'t exist to start with. After the WAR file is exploded, the contents are as follows:






Nonetheless, I created the classes directory anyway and the wildfire_init.xml file within it, with the following content:

<jiveHome>/usr/local/wildfire_src/target/war/wildfireHome/</jiveHome&gt ;

As this didn’'t work, I tried to set the JAVA_OPTS variable, which is the other option as described in the docs:

export JAVA_OPTS=’’-DwildfireHome="/usr/local/wildfire_src/target/war/wildfireHome/"’’

Still nothing, the error persists. I am lost now. Could you please tell me the following:


  1. Where should I look at now*
    2) Which variable is used to set Tomcat properties. I saw some people saying to use JAVA_OPTS while others use CATALINA_OPTS
    *3) Where do I define these variables so they will be always available__

Thanks in advance,


It ended up that the problem was that the wildfireHome had no write permission from the tomcat user. I think this should be documented somewhere as lesser experienced users like me will often bump into this problem

I would still be interested in answers to questions #2 and #3 in the message above.

I would also like to know what is a best practice concerning the wildfireHome owner. Should I chown it to the tomcat user? I am not sure where to leave this directory.




Actually Jivesoftware does no longer support Tomcat and .war deployments in general. That’'s really sad and the reason why one can not download the war file any more. There are rumors that some plugins will not work or cause exceptions.

2) Which variable is used to set Tomcat properties. I saw some people saying to use JAVA_OPTS while others use CATALINA_OPTS

I did not take a look at the catalina script today but I think that it does not matter where you define it as both variables are passed to the java call.

3) Where do I define these variables so they will be always available

Modify your catalina script should be really the simplest way.

wildfireHome owner

I’‘d copy the wildfireHome directory either somewhere to Tomcat or to /opt/jivesoftware/wildfire as it may be overwritten when you build a new Wildfire version (or your build task will fail as it can’'t write there because Tomcat is the owner).


Thanks for your response. It seems I can’‘t install any plugins at all using the web interface. It simply won’'t finish downloading. Was that what you meant?

Do you know if there is any official statement regarding the lack of WAR support, is this a temporary of definitve change?


it was not a problem with the updates (the update web page is new, with Wifi 2.x you just went to http://www.jivesoftware.org/wildfire/plugins.jsp to download a plugin), maybe also the updates do not work. Or you just need to set the system properties update.proxy.host and .port to specify a proxy if you are behind are firewall.

Maintaining a version which can be run as standalone and within a servlet container costs some time, the .war version did not run within Bea, had some issues with JBoss and was as far as I can tell just running fine in Tomcat. There was no official desupport notice, there are also some open issues regarding the .war deployments.

The (new) connection managers are also just as standalone applications available, so there one does not have another option.

Wildfire uses it’‘s own connection pool, so it can’'t take real advantage if it is running in Tomcat.