I have problem with both of these app ( Xabber, Openfire admin) on android. I am unable to connect to the local server. I’ll attach screenshot, that’s the message i am gettin when i am trying to connect with openfire admin. Also I will attach debug information from server, which i am gettingwhen i try to connect via Xabber. debug.log.zip (600 Bytes)
I’m afraid that neither files give any indication why things are failing. There appears to be some kind of XML parsing error in Xabber, but I cannot tell why that happens.
The debug log that you include only shows very low-level events. There is nothing that can be deduced from that.
Openfire Admin for Android? Never heard about it. This is something produced by someone else, not Ignite Realtime. So you should ask the producer of that app/service.
This sounds like XEP-0333: Chat Markers . There is no plugin for this and it can also be a client-side only feature, like XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts . Though it says that a server has to store chat markers in the archive, so it may involve support from the server. Android client Conversations seems to support it.
Dammit, i feel bad for this )))) Thought it had some plugin ))) Are there any XMPP server with this extension by default or appliable via plugin ? ))) That is vital for me ))