XIFF Error

I downloaded SparkWeb Source and XIFF 3 Source and trying to make a web based chat client

I am getting following Message

"Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type org.igniterealtime.xiff.data.im:RosterItemVO to an unrelated type org.igniterealtime.xiff.core:UnescapedJID. ChatClient/src/com/jivesoftware/spark ProfileWindow.mxml line 54 1303792093011 7870"

at following line

var vcard:VCard = VCard.getVCard(SparkManager.connectionManager.connection, contact);

the “contact” here is RosterItemVO, where as expected is UnescapedJID

please help in resolving this Issue

Hey there,

Try passing in contact.jid.

VCard expects an an object of type UnescapedJID, not RosterItemVO.

Let us know if you need any other help.


I am also getting following Error

Multiple markers at this line: -1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type

com.jivesoftware.spark.managers:AbstractSearchManager to an unrelated type Function.

-1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Function.

at following line in source

new Browser(SparkManager.connectionManager.connection).getServiceItems(new EscapedJID(server), “_handlePopulateServices”, this);

All of your errors are related to incorrect types.

Make sure you are using the expected objects.