XIFF trunk: How do you get groups from roster?

On Xiff 3.0 beta we used to get the groups DataProvider from the Roster with roster.groups since it was a property on the Roster object.

How has the groups schema changed on the trunk version? We need to get the groups from the roster to display groups and users on our buddy list.

To be more specific, what we are trying to do is display groups in the Roster, and the users under each group.

Expecting reply from XIFF developers…Ur response is too slow

Hey Knight,

Currently only I am committing to the source of XIFF (developers contribute in their freetime) and I try to respond to questions as I can.

I’m not sure why you are digging up an unanswered question from 2009, when I answered a similar groups question just yesterday explaining how to get a user’s groups.


I got it thru this

rosterGrid.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(chatManager.roster.getContainingGroups(chatManager.roster.getIt emAt(0)));

put this in a loop and replace getItemAt(0) with getItemAt(i)

this is listing a row with columns Items (Comma Separated Users), label (Group)…in which the logged in user is a member

then do little actionscript to separate Users, Group and populate them in a Tree Component

Its working fine now