XML and xmlns HELPP!

been working with this problem for days. i’m doing a project invovling peer-to-peer communication and i need to pass the ip address of one client to another via XML. i don’t have much idea about XML but i know for a fact that xmlns requires a URI. My problem is that i have to create my own XML extension and i don’t have any webserver running. what I want is for the plugin to access the XML Schema (xsd) locally (stored in the computer). What i did is i use file:// URI but I am not sure if it is working. Actually i don’t know if the URI is wrong or my XML Schema is wrong. I am also trying to use a DTD as i know my XML Schema is missing some codes.

Here are my codes

DTD file contains:

<!ELEMENT camsession (camSessionID, hostIP)>

<!ELEMENT camSessionID (#CDATA)>


XSD file contains:

<?xml version = “1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema


<xs:element name=“camsession”>



<xs:element name=“camSessionID” type=“xs:string”/>

<xs:element name=“hostIP” type=“xs:string”/>





NOTE: the xsd file should actually include the following but since I am accessing the file locally i don’t know what to put in between the quotes.

targetNamespace=" "

xmlns=" "

The NAMESPACE is returning this -> file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/migs/Spark/plugins/plugintest/lib/xml/

The XML I am trying to pass is:

<iq id=“WBrO4-30” to=“ato@panther/spark” type=“get”>

<camsession xmlns=“file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/migs/Spark/plugins/plugintest/lib/ xml/”>

Can anyone help me?