XmlPullParserException - end tag not allowed in epilog

This is my first try with Smack. Got an error right away trying to send a simple message:

XMPPConnection con = new XMPPConnection(“my-server”,5222);

con.login(“user”, “password”);

Message msg = new Message(“auser”);

msg.setSubject(“This is a test message”);

msg.setBody(“This is from a program!”);


Full error:

org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: end tag not allowed in epilog but got / (position: END_TAG seen …</stream:error></… @1:140)

at org.xmlpull.mxp1.MXParser.parseEpilog(MXParser.java:1585)

Any help appreiciated.


Message was edited by:


look for exceptions in your login

Hey Tim,

Also which server and Smack version are you using?


– Gato

Thanks all for responding. I am running Jive Messenger (latest release) and I did have a problem with a server parameter. I was trying to limit the IP address that could access the server, but I did not know exactly how to specify it (and I cannnot find any documentation as to how). I wanted to limit it to two ranges xxx.xxx.216.* and xxx.xxx.217.* I placed a comma between the two ,but only the first range worked. Of course, the computer I was trying to run SMACK on was a .217 range which is why it was not working - the .216 range clients were working.

I had to remove the IP addresses, and everything worked but would still like to know how to specify the ranges if anyone has a clue.



Hey Tim,

Could you try setting up the IP addresses using the latest nightly build of JM? We added some IP validation to the page where you enter the IP address. You may also want to check the error log files. In the log files you will see an error with the IP address of the client that got rejected by the server.


– Gato