XMPP and J2EE sessions / authentication


I am using XMPP, Wildfire and Smack as a transport mechanism for my J2EE Application.

I wanted to know if there was a way to use Smack or wildfire as an authentication mechanism for a J2EE web app?

Would there be a way to authenticate using the regular Wildfire authentication and use these credentials and session for an external J2EE web application?

For example:

I’d like my user to log in to XMPP and then be able to access the protected areas of the web application. The protected area of the web application should be available to the user as long as the XMPP session is alive.

Any ideas are welcome !

Many thanks!



Hi Alex,

did you ever look at Spark with Single-Sign-On?


What about SASL in smack API ?

Can anybody tell me if that’s the way to look at?

How does it work ?

Did anyone already implement it ?
