Also, An Error has Occurred, when inviting users to conference room

I may be the 2nd to post it looks like but I didn’t see an update or if there is a 2.9.5 version available. I am using OpenFire 4.4.2 and Spark 2.9.4, we were on Spark 2.8.3. I upgraded Spark to 2.9.4 and OpenFire to 4.6.0 and after spark users could no longer create chat rooms, it would just say “an error Occurred”, I rolled back OpenFire to 4.4.2 and now they can create rooms but if they try to invite more users to the room after they are in it they get “an error occorred” haven’t been able to find anything in any logs, any ideas?

Yes, it was already posted here Error inviting people to join a conference room
There is no fix yet.