Jitsi ofmeet app error


I’m trying to deploy the jitsivideobridge-plugin and I have some problems.

I have:

  • Openfire 3.9.1
  • Jitsi Video Bridge Plugin 1.2
  • WebSockets Plugin

Using the ofmeet app I got an error when trying to connect to specific room:

rayo colibri register got error


When someone comes to a room is like he is in another room, there is no change in the web. Every one sees his own video but nothing more.

Because I don’t know if is obligatory to have a room in the conferences server with the same name I have created it but the result is the same.

Thanks for advanced,


Edit config.js and make sure your use of server.domain.es and domain.es is correct

this is the content of my config.js:

var config = {

hosts: {

domain: window.location.hostname,

muc: ‘conference.’ + window.location.hostname, // FIXME: use XEP-0030

bridge: ‘jitsi-videobridge.’ + window.location.hostname // FIXME: use XEP-0030


useIPv6: false, // ipv6 support. use at your own risk

useNicks: false,

useWebsockets: true,

resolution: “360”,

bosh: window.location.protocol + “//” + window.location.host + ‘/http-bind/’ // FIXME: use xep-0156 for that


I forgot to say that I changed the real server and domain names for ‘server’ and ‘domain’ strings.


I forgot to say that I changed the real server and domain names for ‘server’ and ‘domain’ strings.

Whatever you changed is still not correct. jitsi@conference.server.domain.es should be jitsi@conference.domain.es

hosts: {

domain: ‘conference.domain.es’,

muc: ‘conference.domain.es’

bridge: ‘jitsi-videobridge.domain.es’



The changes I made only was when I copy the log to de discussion. The config.js file is from the original plugin.

I have changed the config file and it works now the chat is working, the room is created in the xmpp server, but the video is not.

I get no errors from javascript.

Any idea?

Thanks for all,

look at your openfire log files. you might have issues with the jitsi videobridge plugin on your OS

yes, I was just looking at javascript errors.

At the logs I have:

2014.03.13 12:58:08 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler occupantJoined qoa2l4pbxx0f6r@conference.domain.es 0lempaw9vsra4i@domain.es/0lempaw9vsra4i eu0ocjbcwfav2t9

2014.03.13 12:58:11 org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.spi.LocalMUCUser - Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature

thanks for all,


You need to find your Jitsvideobridge log. It is normally wriiten to stderror

On Linux, this may end up on the screen/console if you do not re-direct it to a file

On Windows, the file stderror.log is created automatically.


I activated the debug log options from the web management and I get some more logs:

When the first participant enter in the ofmeet web i get this: http://pastebin.com/rxssr3kW

When the second participant enter in the ofmeet web (same room that first) I get this: http://pastebin.com/3ebpBqZ5

I don’t know if it is important but the system is a debian 6.0 and the openfire was intalled from the deb package dowloaded from the ignite website.

Thanks for all the help,


Does not look like you read my last reply

You need to see what has been logged to stderror not debug.log

sorry, I send you the debug logs because I cannot get anything in the stdout.

I start openfire with this command:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -DopenfireHome=/usr/share/openfire -Dopenfire.lib.dir=/usr/share/openfire/lib -classpath /usr/share/openfire/lib/startup.jar -jar /usr/share/openfire/lib/startup.jar

I get this: http://pastebin.com/kRzL1tGu

but I get no logs when I start a new conference, all the logs are from the startup of openfire.

Thanks for the help,


You should get more logging after you start a conference. I am no Linux expert, but I think you can add


to your startup command

I get no more logs.

to make tests I execute the openfire server in a console, the output is showing in it. If I redirect the output all I will get is the same but in a file.

I have tried it again and there are no more logs.

Any parameter to set from the jitsi config o openfire config to get that logs?


If Jitsi videobridge component is not producing any more messages, it means it is not recieving any requests. Check your config.js again and confirm jitsi-videobridge.domain.es is correct. Then check your info.log file to confirm the messages are sent.

I have checked config.js, it is ok:

var config = {

hosts: {

domain: ‘conference.domain.es’,

muc: ‘conference.domain.es’, // FIXME: use XEP-0030

bridge: ‘jitsi-videobridge.domain.es’ // FIXME: use XEP-0030


useIPv6: false, // ipv6 support. use at your own risk

useNicks: false,

useWebsockets: true,

resolution: “360”,

bosh: window.location.protocol + “//” + window.location.host + ‘/http-bind/’ // FIXME: use xep-0156 for that


When the server is started jitsi print some logs to the stdout (all startup logs http://pastebin.com/kRzL1tGu)

After that all I can find are this logs:

2014.03.18 08:57:45 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler occupantJoined test@conference.domain.es kpy67onezk7w4s4i@domain.es/kpy67onezk7w4s4i l3nqtqop931

2014.03.18 08:57:47 org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.spi.LocalMUCUser - Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature

2014.03.18 08:57:49 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler nicknameChanged test@conference.domain.es kpy67onezk7w4s4i@domain.es/kpy67onezk7w4s4i

2014.03.18 08:58:00 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler occupantJoined test@conference.domain.es 7x44lva2w0ugcik9@domain.es/7x44lva2w0ugcik9 roger(13w6g

2014.03.18 08:58:00 org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.spi.LocalMUCUser - Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature

2014.03.18 08:59:40 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler occupantLeft test@conference.domain.es 7x44lva2w0ugcik9@domain.es/7x44lva2w0ugcik9

2014.03.18 08:59:40 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - removeColibriChannel 0

2014.03.18 08:59:44 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler occupantLeft test@conference.domain.es kpy67onezk7w4s4i@domain.es/kpy67onezk7w4s4i

2014.03.18 08:59:44 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - removeColibriChannel 0

2014.03.18 08:59:44 org.jitsi.videobridge.openfire.PluginImpl - ColibriIQHandler roomDestroyed test@conference.domain.es

I tried to set jitsi-videobridge.domain.es in the hosts files of the clients but same results.

Thanks for all,

Can you confirm you are NOT running jitsi videobridge as an external component

yes, I can confirm that.

In Sessions -> Active sessions -> Components Sessions -> Connected external components: 0

I have only installed the plugin and changed the config.js. I don’t know if the plugin must be an external component or not.


<iq xmlns=“jabber:client” to=conference.domain.es type=“set” id=“2570:sendIQ” from="kpy67onezk7w4s4i@domain.es/kpy67onezk7w4s4i">

This message is wrong. It should be sent to jitsi-videobridge.domanin.es and not conference.domain.es

Are you sure you are editing the correct config.js file?

the config file I edited was: /var/lib/openfire/plugins/jitsivideobridge/apps/ofmeet/js/config.js

I have checked in the browser debugger that config.js is correct:


your domain is domain.es and MUC is conference.domain.es