I decided to create a separate topic about search plugin. Here what I have:
Openfire 4.6.1
Database: PostgreSQL 13
OS: CentOS 8
Search plugin: 1.7.3
Client: Spark 2.5.6. - 2.9.4
PROBLEM 1: empty fields in search result
Here we get empty Name, Username and E-mail. All these fields are filled!
Also it Doesn’t matter of Cyrillic or Latin symbols - result is always the same.
PROBLEM 2: Case sensitive search
I’ve heard that it is not a bug, but a feature, BUT it made mass dissatisfaction of about 700 users. Why don’t add an option to switch Case sensitivness ON/OFF??
PS: I tried latest 1.7.4. snapshot from 28 JAN 2021. No changes.
Вы используете кириллицу в имени пользователя?
Вы можете создать пользователя test с именем test и попробовать его найти через поиск
Так же посмотрите вот на эти параметры и приложите сюда свой скриншот
There is an open issue in github which describes the problem of empty fields…
depending of the clients implementation while parsing the result xml from the server the wrong order of result fields and reported fields could end in an empty list of fields…
Either download this plugin to your Openfire (it contains my fix) search.jar (70.4 КБ)
I see a lot of admins who use Brazil/Russia localization are experiencing this bug, I think I should push my PR and release a new version as soon as possible(I dont have access to this repository).
Yesterday I installed the latest release of Openfire 4.8.0 and installed Spark 3.0.2.
Searching for users returns only JID values.
But there is one BUT…
If you run a search in the SPARK client and receive incomplete information in the search window
but then, without closing the search window, open the server and search service management and disable the search for the required fields like Username, name, email
And then repeat the search in the SPARK client, in the same window that is not closed, then the search works correctly)
I can’t figure out what is causing this problem.
Можно с тобой как нибудь связаться, вне форума? Естественно в удобное для тебя время.
Что бы попробовать решить проблему поиска, т.к. ответа, про странно работающий поиск, я так и не нашел.