The Ignite Realtime community is happy to announce the availability of Spark version 2.9.0!
Note that this version has a lot of changes, especially in certificates management area. We suggest to first test it on a small batch of test machines before deploying it to all users.
2.9.0 was long time in the making, so the list of changes is rather long. To mention a few: a new certificate management system that was long overdue, migration to Maven (instead of Ant), HTTP File Upload plugin support, new Smack library version and many other bug fixes and improvements.
A few plugins are currently not working because they use old libraries not available for Maven: Spellchecker, OTR. During the poll on this website most users told us that they are not using these plugins.
We are thankful to all the contributors and Google Summer of Code students who provided their patches to help us release this version. And we encourage developers to get involved with Spark project by providing feedback in the forums or submitting pull requests on our GitHub page.
Here is the list of contributors to this release:
Michael Klein
Manassé Ngudia
Vipin Raj
You can download Spark from the Downloads page. Below are the sha1 checksums:
73d30728b216440667e6741373def5aba0088f84 spark-2.9.0.rpm
f1b997a401fa71f06b77633ce0161c46ac4e8eab spark_2_9_0-with-jre.dmg
4097a34d255556c5f8b60f77cd83bfda7bbe3c8a spark_2_9_0-with-jre.exe
6230c8f3fc3042448028a7186c8c277dda45d81b spark_2_9_0.deb
117ba72f48132afbfa20b1adf7cd5193879456c7 spark_2_9_0.dmg
640d1fe1682830adb3ff6a9a8eede20f3ce2ba8a spark_2_9_0.exe
4f0bc7abb0f0131dd325cb3363255f668bd7fe0f spark_2_9_0.tar.gz
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