What is the current (January, 2022) state of 'In Progress' room display on the Welcome Page?

I can find this: https://github.com/igniterealtime/openfire-pade-plugin/issues/186

link from almost a year ago, describing suggestions and preferences and concerns around the display of ‘In Progress’ meetings on the Welcome Page.

What I can’t find is a clear statement of what happened to this display. I’m reasonably confident that this feature was available previously … perhaps 1.3-1.4. I’m also reasonably confident that this feature isn’t working quite the same way today.

Is there work to be done for the ‘In Progress’ meeting display? Or is there a particular technique to enable this?

There is no real urgency around this request, but we’ve been put back into rather harsh Covid-19 restrictions and this feature was very helpful the last time we experienced these restrictions.

Thank you (again) Dele for the very quick reply. And accept my apology please, for not searching the messages a little more carefully.

Are you able/willing to hazard a guess as to when the In-progress meeting list might return?

Again, there is no real urgency to this, but it is a really handy feature for adhoc meetings.

No worries. Information gets lost very easy around here :slight_smile:

No sure when or if in-progress will ever come back as the code was contributed. I am currently not free and not motivated enough to attempt to decode and fix it.